Announcing the 15th Annual Philly Spring Cleanup April 2, 2022


Announcing the 15th Annual Philly Spring Cleanup April 2, 2022


The Streets Department is excited to announce a very special Philly Spring Cleanup (PSC). This year, we are celebrating 15-years of Community Cleaning Partnerships. The 2022 PSC will be held on Saturday, April 2, 2022 from 9a- 2p.

The Street Department’s signature event has served as the City’s largest cleanup event taking place citywide in a single day. Residents can register a project — including park and neighborhood cleanups — or register as a volunteer for an existing project at

We’re out to put an end to litter and illegal dumping—not just on Cleanup day, but once and for all. The more residents like you that help us, the better. Let’s come together to make our neighborhoods and our City even more beautiful. Dedication like yours, along with the can-do attitude of thousands of volunteers all over the City, is exactly what we need to meet our goals. We cannot accomplish this without all our volunteers that help make our neighborhoods healthier and sustainable.

Supplies for Your Cleanup Project

The City offers a very limited number of supplies to help with your Cleanup projects. These items include:

  • Trash bags
  • Rakes
  • Gloves
  • Shovels
  • Brooms

In addition, we will help support your projects by directing volunteers to your sites, collecting trash and recyclables from your Cleanup and assisting you in planning your project.

We are now accepting project ideas and volunteer signups. Project registration closes on Friday, March 18.

Let’s keep working to make Philly green, clean and safe. See you  at the 2022 Philly Spring Cleanup on Saturday, April 2.